Meet Willow
Meet the newest addition to the Miller family. Her name is Willow and we got her just before Xmas. She has the best personality and is very cheeky. We are sure she thinks she is a dog as she loves to play fetch.

More wedding photos
Just thought I would post some more pics. :)

Soccer round 2
Monday night saw John and his workmates arrive ready for round 2 of the indoor soccer season. I started to believe that this game was the new miracle weightloss program as the player that last week couldn't fit into his team colours turned up tonight correctly outfitted in the official shirt. Needless to say I was suitably impressed until John whispered to me that he had gotten a new a BIGGER size. So much for the next diet revolution!

The full team arrived including 'Fettucine' the ring in from Madrid. Even though John spent a good 10 mins trying to convince the girls and I that we should get his autograph cause he was flying back the next day and would be training with David Beckham, we had our doubts. The girls know that they should take everything that their Dad says with a big grain of salt.
I am pleased to say that the game was a much more energetic one than last week. With 2 reserves this week they were able to rotate the players so they didn't look as tired after the first few minutes. They played the 2nd top team and keep them scoreless for the first 5 minutes. Unfortunately the other team had a ring in too...and by the looks of his footwork he really could have been flying back to Europe to play in the big leauge! The final score 18-6 didn't reflect the intensity of the game but again fitness or lack of it was the deciding factor in our teams loss. Bring on next week!!
A new season of indoor soccer started last night with eager anitciapation from the spectators (me and Jess). John and 3 of his workmates, after an off season of overindulging, squeezed into the nets and prepared themselves for half an hour of torture, I mean exercise, as they run endlessly chasing that round soccer ball. Last season ended with a total of 1 win and endless losses. Seems the injury list was much more impressive with 2 knee reconstructions, broken ribs and various scrapes and bruise. After the first couple of minutes we realised that this season didn't look like it was going to be much better.

2 minutes into the game,an opposition player attacking the ball,kicked John's foot instead and from that moment on John was limping. It didn't mange to stop him scoring his teams only goal of the first half. They were all struggling as the time slowly ticked by. Half time saw them desperately grab for their water bottles as they collasped on the nearest chair, sucking the air in as the 2min break flew by. The second half started with as much enthusiasm for the first not alot really. One player was heard to say, "I'll sit out the second half", only they didn't have any reserves so that wasn't going to happen. I think it was just wishful thinking from someone that couldn't fit into the team shirt he wore last season. John was nursing his sore toes when the player that kicked them in the first place decided it wasn't enough so he stepped on them this time. After a few choice words that Jess and I could hear from the other end of the playing field he contined hobbling along. One of his other team mates went down with a twisted ankle and a ring-in had to be called from the sidelines. John managed to score the only other goal his team got in the 12-2 whitewash. All in all it was an entertaining game that I'm sure will only inprove as the level of fitness inproves. We look forward to next week though I'm not sure John's toes will be up for it. Check out the pictures and make up your own mind.

Our wedding
Well it happened on the 29th of December. John and I got married. After a few days of rain we were a bit worried about the weather but Friday was warm and sunny. We did the traditional thing and John stayed at his brothers the night before. The girls, Mum and I got ready at the hotel where the wedding was being held. I arranged for a makeup artist to do our makeup and the results on the girls were amazing. They looked so much older and looked absolutetly gorgeous in their bridesmaid dresses.

The wedding went off without a hitch although there wasn't a dry eye in the house, especially when John couldn't saw the vows he had written for me. He was pretty emotional on the day and as soon as I walked down the aisle and sawthe tears in his eyes I knew he was going to struggle. We timed it perfectly with the sun setting just at the end of the ceremony.

It was a perfect night. Everyone said it was the best wedding they had been to. We are all a family again and we couldn't be happier.
Bad news and good news
Well, lets start with the bad news. The tumour proved cancerous and during the 10 hour operation they removed what they think to be all of the tumour, half my bowel, my right ovary and my uterus (meaning no more kids....phew). Needless to say I was a might sore for a while after the operation. The good news was that I woke up without the bag that I had had for the past 3 months. Everything that is supposed to be inside me now is. I was really happy (in a drug induced kind of way) after the proceedure to find out that even though I was minus a few internal body parts, everything was back to the way it is supposed to be. More bad news is that even though they think they got all the bad stuff, I have to have 6 months of chemotherapy as a precautionary measure. This has kind of thrown our lives into total chaos. We have since moved to the Gold Coast which is great and I am on 12 months unpaid leave from work which financially isn't so great. I have what they call a picc line in my right arm which you can see in the picture. It is like a drip they insert but the tube is under my skin and it travels agross my chest iand into the right side of my heart. Let me tell you it was a weird experience being awake and watching it all get inserted via a TV screen.

Anyway, I have had 2 lots of treatment so far. I was supposed to have my third on Wednesday but they canned it for a week because my blood tests came back saying my white blood count was too low and my liver test was elevated. So I got an extra week of feeling good. The chemo knocks me around a bit. I get tired easily and feel a bit sick for a few days and have problems with diarrhea but this is not going to beat me. I will come back stronger than ever and outlive you all.