Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bad news and good news

Well, lets start with the bad news. The tumour proved cancerous and during the 10 hour operation they removed what they think to be all of the tumour, half my bowel, my right ovary and my uterus (meaning no more kids....phew). Needless to say I was a might sore for a while after the operation. The good news was that I woke up without the bag that I had had for the past 3 months. Everything that is supposed to be inside me now is. I was really happy (in a drug induced kind of way) after the proceedure to find out that even though I was minus a few internal body parts, everything was back to the way it is supposed to be. More bad news is that even though they think they got all the bad stuff, I have to have 6 months of chemotherapy as a precautionary measure. This has kind of thrown our lives into total chaos. We have since moved to the Gold Coast which is great and I am on 12 months unpaid leave from work which financially isn't so great. I have what they call a picc line in my right arm which you can see in the picture. It is like a drip they insert but the tube is under my skin and it travels agross my chest iand into the right side of my heart. Let me tell you it was a weird experience being awake and watching it all get inserted via a TV screen.

Anyway, I have had 2 lots of treatment so far. I was supposed to have my third on Wednesday but they canned it for a week because my blood tests came back saying my white blood count was too low and my liver test was elevated. So I got an extra week of feeling good. The chemo knocks me around a bit. I get tired easily and feel a bit sick for a few days and have problems with diarrhea but this is not going to beat me. I will come back stronger than ever and outlive you all.


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