Babysitter's Unlimited
I took the girls over to meet Isla (our friend's new baby) and they were besotted the moment they saw her, with comments like...'she's so cute', 'her eyes are so pretty', 'I can't believe how small she is' (even though she has nearly doubled her weight since she was born) and 'she's like a doll'. One thing I was glad not to hear was 'I want one'!! Dunk and Tash now have a never ending supply of babysitters at their disposal :)

Better late than never I say...
I know, I know....haven't really been vigilant in keeping this up to date. I'd like to say I have just been too busy but its more like I haven't done anything worth reading about. Easter came and went, along with the 10days holiday I had. Just doesn't seem long enough. The girls spent the 4 day weekend with their Dad on the Gold Coast which meant a nice quiet weekend for Brian and I. We went to the movies and out for dinner but apart from that just made the most of the time off. We did go to Montville on the Sunshine coast for the day. Its really nice up there, lots to look at including the clock shop (see below) and especially the fudge shop!!!

The girls are back at school now and Madison is playing netball on Friday afternoons. She is usually center and always has a bright red face afterwards. I have been roped in to umpire the games. It's alot of fun yet also frustrating as they all crowd around the person with the ball and end up taking about 20 passes to get it to the goal circle. Here's hoping they get better soon.
Its been a few months since we have been in our unit and this weekend it was time to rotate the bedrooms. Ashlee was next in line to get her own room, but after blowing her final chance to keep her side of her current room tidy, she missed out and Madi jumped the queue. Jess is just unhappy all round that after so many years of having her own room, she has to share. Oh well!!
I finally got to meet and hold my close friends new baby. Isla Jane McGregor was born 7 and a half weeks premmie and finally came home a week or so ago. Mum and Dad are very proud parents and they have every right to be. She is gorgeous. Thank god she takes after her mum!