Karate, karate and more karate..

Last weekend brought about the first GKR tournament of the year. New venue this year. Much improved, bigger floor area. This meant more rings and we were hoping an early finish but this didn't happen. The first part of the day seemed to run fairly smoothly but around the time it was time for me to compete things had slowed right down. We ended up getting home at 6.30pm. Jessica moved up an age division and was a bit apprehensive as to how she would go on the day. Yes, thats right...Jess nervous!!! But she didn't have to worry. She cleaned up in all 3 events she competed in leaving with 3 gold medals around her neck.
I competed in 4 events coming home with 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze. All in all I was happy with how I went but as usual, looking back on video footage I can improve in alot of areas. oh...and that picture of me with all the medals??? well I'd like to say they were all mine...but they were just the spare ones at the end of the day and I walked up to my Senior Instructor holding them and said with a serious face..."Sensei, I'm pretty happy with how I went today." He thought it was pretty funny and said 'We have to get a photo of that'...so we did!
This is a picture of me and some of my own students that competed. We had 20 entries and came home with 25 medals. I am VERY proud of them all.
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