Snip, snip
Well it's been more than a week since I updated everything, 2 weeks actually. Has been a busy time. I have been in hospital having some minor surgery....well it started out as minor then while I am in that room that they give you the drugs, the surgeon(after discussion of my symptoms) decides to add another proceedure to her list. One which requires incisions. Anyway, to cut a long story short I hobbled out of the hospital 10 hours after arriving, struggling to stand up straight let alone walk. Apparently whatever they found isn't life threatening. Didn't see a doctor after the op and 2 days later got a specialist appointment in the mail.....FOR MAY!
I was very lucky to have my own personal nurse in Brian and he did a fantastic job of looking after me. He fed the kids, stayed over to make sure I made it through the night and generally did everything for me. I don't think I would have recovered as fast if it wasn't for him. I did get to return the favour 2 days later when I drove him to have his very own operation....a VASECTOMY!! Yes, that's right. No more children for Briza! I jokingly said I wanted to watch and should take the camera. Apparently I should have....cause I got to watch the whole thing and photo's would have looked great on his blog.
It was over in 15mins and Brian spent most of the time floating on the ceiling from the valium injection he got a few minutes before it all started. The Doc has done over 28,000 of these operations (apparently moved to the suburbs to wait out his retirement...we were hoping his hands were still steady!) there was very little blood and two white spaghetti looking tubes that were cut and it was all over. I'm sure my operation would have been more spectacular but I'm not one to compete (cough,cough).

On to more exciting things. As I told you last time Madison was about to make a speech to run for House Leader. Well after a nervous speech (yes, she dropped her palm cards halfway through but recovered well) voting took place and on Tuesday she was given an envelope with a letter inside congratulating her on achieving her position. I think she was excited, couldn't tell because she was jumping up and down so much. :) Following her sisters into a leadership position was something she wasn't sure she could do but she has proven herself wrong and I know she will do a great job.
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