Dipping my toes into the web...

Well this is my first attempt of actually getting something on the web. Hopefully I will do a weekly update of what's being happening in the day to day lives of the girls and I and everybody we are close to. Thanks to Duncan and Tash's inspiration I have created a blog. Impressive isn't it :) Ok, ok so it's no 'Hello Southport' but give me time, it will be!
Jessica 14 (Year 10), Ashlee 12 (Year 8), and Madison 10(Year 6), all headed off to school this year ready to take on the world. Madison is especially happy to have her school all to herself (well except for the fact that I am still there )...and on the other hand, not sure how Jess is feeling now she has to share her school with Ashlee. All I know is that they are growing up way too fast and I'm am getting old!
I want to use this space to keep all my family and friends up to date on the everyday happenings in our lives. Please feel free to comment and hopefully I will keep it current.
So far this year we have been to watch Brian compete twice in his renewed passion...MOTORCROSS! Who said anything about a mid-life crisis...certainly not me... :) Anyway, after a few close encounters with the dirt he managed to stay on and ride extremely well. In a division with kids more than half his age (we're talking 16 year olds here) he managed a 4th in a field of 18. Not bad for an old bloke! He's talking about going even faster so watch this space for the next race results in a few weeks.
The State Tournament Karate training has started with a hot and humid session last Sunday night. With the WASO (World All Styles Organisation) World Titles being held on the Gold Coast in June this year, Jessica is really fired up to do well. In contrast, I am just turning up every week to 'see how I go'. Enthusiam has been slow coming for me this year but am hoping to find some inspiration somewhere soon. As we are both hoping to grade to 1st Dan sometime this year training has to become a passion again...not a chore.
hello!! i love you dear!
Hi Angel... Thanks for a great weekend. See you tomorrow xoxoxox
Hey mum!!!
Doing a good job...could add more colour and more photos to it i must admit its a bit plain at the moment lol
Love jess
p.s oh yeah its good though :)
Way to go buffalo!!!!
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